Sunday, December 20, 2009

I have not done a thing in this arena for over 10 months.
The beloved Tom set up the system and I have simply neglected it.
Being it's that time
of year to do a little
inventory of the things you have done over the past 11 months and share with the friends and loved ones all of the warmest wishes - I thought I would do a little retroactive fill in here.

One highlight of 2009 was getting a plien air paint box of my own for the June birthday. We went the following week north to Grand Marais - a good place for a beginner to start what with the fog blowing in and burning off again every 2 1/2 hours! O K so that is a bit of sarcasm.We went out near every weekend for the summer months and have kept going out till the snows and zero degree days of December.

Another beautiful day or four was our mid September visit to Boulder, Colorado. Starting the trip in shorts & tank-tops and on the first day of AUTUMN we are up in elevation and shuffling through 3 inches of snow! It all melted away - so we were able to spend a sun drenched afternoon in the Rocky Mountain National Park wearing our short sleeves before heading home

1 comment:

  1. Well, I must say - it sounds like you are having fun with your new paint box. Are you going to post some of them?
